Friday, January 12, 2024

The Curse of Questioning


The Curse of Questioning

   Questioning the truth of the propositions being daily proposed to you will put you at odds with many of the folks that surround you.  You will find yourself living in a different world.  This morning a breakfast experience pointed this out to me.  The milk bottle proudly displayed:


                                    “2% Milk*

                        * 37% Less Fat Than Whole Milk,

            2% Milkfat, Vitamins A&D, Grade A

                        Pasteurized, Homogenized”


   A question entered my mind when I read the above on the milk bottle.  “What is the fat content of whole milk?”  Apply a little algebra and the answer is: whole milk fat = x/.63, or 3%.  That is to say, “When one buys 2% milk they are reducing their fat consumption from 3% of the glass of milk to 2% of it (A one percent reduction in fat consumption).  I believe that “37% Less Fat Than Whole Milk” gives the reader a different image.  This is an example of the questioning curse.  Asking questions will put you in a different reality.

   Successful advertising makes great use of this lack of questioning mind set.  A perfect example (mentioned in a previous blog) is Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance.  A successful ad of theirs tells you that you can customize your coverage to fit your needs and what you can afford.  I started buying auto insurance in 1956 and have been able to customize my auto policy coverage from every company I have ever insured with.  It’s not a competitive advantage.  They all offer it.  We know that … and yet Liberty has run this ad consistently on TV for over a decade.  Someone must think it is quite an advantage.  You can fool a hell of a lot of people for a very long time.  When money rushes in … truth rushes out.

   One of my favorite examples of not questioning what you see is not questioning how those two buildings that fell on 9/11, in the manner that they did, without the aid of demolition.  You saw that they fell nearly as fast as a freely falling body and did not tip, but landed directly on their foot print.  Would the steel beams that support the structure have allowed that?   My first question in viewing that event was where are the beams?  The government answer is they melted.  My question from that answer is, if an aircraft can fly from Los Angeles to Hawaii burning the same fuel, yet not melting its engines (made of pretty much the same material as the beams) how the hell did the beams disappear?  And if melting of beams was involved, how could they have melted evenly on all sides of the buildings at the same moment thereby allowing the building not to tip during its fall, but land on their own footprint?  One building would be a miracle.  Two would be impossible.  A little research on the happening, not simply using reason, reveals that kerosene (jet fuel) burns at 1800 degrees and the beams melt at 2800 degrees.  The beams did melt.  Yet they had to; requiring modern demolition.  If you would like to see samples of modern demolition, watch the demolition of Trump Tower in Atlantic City or the demolition of the second half of the townhouse tower in Surfside, Florida.  They have the same signature of demolition as the Twin Towers.

   When you see one ex-football coach Senator hold up the promotion of over 300 military officers, do you question what rule of the Senate allows that?  When you see the majority leader of The Senate not allow any bill passed by the opposing party’s majority House (over 300 bills) not brought to the floor for discussion or a vote, do you wonder if our democracy is functioning.  Both houses of congress must pass a bill before it is signed into law.

  If you would like some alone time, question the prevalent world view.

Cheers, Old Buz          1/12/2024

“He who knows all the answers has not considered all the questions.” – Confucius

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