Thursday, May 25, 2023

My G.O.D. Wrote Your Bible


My G.O.D. Wrote Your Bible

   Those words sound like fighting words, but hopefully if you choose to read on no words about a god will ever induce you to fight.  Most of us have our own individual concept of god.  This is mine and I hope you will like it.




   G.O.D. or GOD is to me an acronym, not a spiritual being.    It is the DNA or system of The Entire Universe.  Not the DNA of any living thing, but of The Universe.  I actually don’t know if what we call The Universe is a living thing and since I’m agnostic it remains to me a question.  A DNA is a system, so we are talking about the system, or systems that control and perhaps ruled over the creation of The Universe.  It doesn’t work without systems or rules.  It doesn’t come into being, evolve or continue to exist without consistent rules.  They are required in so many ways.  For instance, without the system of centrifugal force (mass, inertia, gravity) ruling their orbits, heavenly bodies would have no predictable paths.  Collisions would be common and irregular extreme environments on the various planets would not sustain life.  Location of planets and atoms would be random.  The system, GOD, is eternal, or at the very least, throughout known history, we have seen no changes in the systems, only a better understanding of them.  The acronym GOD is an attempt to remove the rationalization required to hate or murder anyone in the name of God and to create a god that does not offend reason or require us to suspend our disbelief.   Science studies these rules and systems, trying to understand them.  It is a never ending study.

   Let’s return to the meaning of the acronym.  Grand implies immense size or importance.  Omnipotent implies power and control over all.  We like to add knowledge of all events past, present and future.  I think that concept humanizes omnipotence and I am not ready to humanize a creator.  It seems obvious to me that there is nothing human about that which controls or created the Universe.  DNA is a complex system (and luckily it also begins with “D”).  So, GOD is a system or systems that control The Universe.  Do you see a problem with that or anything that seems unreasonable about the idea?  You studied scientific systems in high school and before.  You have lived with them since you had awareness and before.

   I claimed at the beginning of this blog that “My G.O.D. wrote your bible.”  It did.  In this amazing working system all things have room to exist.  Bibles, books, bikes, baseballs and galaxies … all are within the system.  Hands wrote those bibles and those hands were within the system.  The word “My” in the quote doesn’t belong there.  I put it there to get your attention.  I don’t claim ownership.  The GOD of the acronym wrote all bibles and bibles are obvious mythology.  One bible is as true as the next.  Mythology falls within the system.  Nothing is outside of it.

   Are there assertions in this blog that you don’t agree with?  I wrote it as a reminder of how friendly and necessary the operating system is.  When you pray, is anyone listening?  Part of me says, no.  But part of me says there is awareness and a spirit within you that does hear and it may go beyond that.  Since I’m an agnostic, it remains a question.  Thinking about reality is wonderful entertainment.  Trust it.  It is probably why you are here.  We live in a world surrounded by many untruths.  Attaining more accurate awareness requires questioning our beliefs.  Faith need not apply.

Cheers, Old Buz                   5/25/2023


“I’ve always known that, but I’ve never thought of it that way.” - Plato

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Power of One

   This is the story of the influence of the Billionaire Class, the One Percenters, on the present conditions and the future of the Planet Earth (where most of you live).  A simple case study can be observed on TV News showing you the “problem” on the southern border of the US.  The cause of the problem isn’t at the border at all.  It is the living conditions in the Americas south of the border.  Those living conditions are dire enough to cause families to walk a thousand miles, only to be returned to their starting point.  Political Asylum has little or nothing to do with their journey.  There aren’t government troops kicking down their doors and shooting the families.  What there is is lack of employment, housing, utilities, education, healthcare or a visible future.  They walk for an imagined better life.

   Can our government take effective action to cure the border problem?  Whether they can or can’t is an unknown.  Whether they will or not is known … they won’t.  This is a government, both Democrat & Republican, that takes no effective legislative action when our children are being murdered in our schools.  It is the Power of One (percent) that freezes the effective legislation. The front group is the lobbyists of the NRA.  The Gold that rules is munition manufacturers’ CEOs.  They sacrifice your children in order to live in the Hamptons and bask in the sun on their yachts in the Mediterranean.  Our government is feckless only because they are ruled by One.

   Can the Maquiladoras bring a better life to the area south of our border and stop the flow of immigrants?  Wouldn’t a Spanish speaking person rather live in the beautiful land of their birth?  Take a look at the Maquiladora design.  An assembly or manufacturing plant built south of the border, paying little or nothing to their labor, owned by One, north of the border and taking the profits home to that One.  This is accomplished while sending the manufacturing jobs south and augmenting unemployment in One’s own country.  How could One function if they were Patriots of The Planet?  Loans at normal interest rates would flow south and a first world economy would be built that served the people.  The profits from business and industry would stay where that business and industry is located.  Those nations would educate and care for the health and living conditions of their citizens.  This won’t happen.  Not because it wouldn’t be wonderful for the people of The Americas, but because of greed, The Power of One.  Imagine the people of Mexico coming to the US as tourists and getting enough of our country in a week or so.  That has always worked well with Canadians.  Why would a Canadian want to stay in our mass-murder nation with no universal healthcare?  The present wrinkle is, we consider not paying our debts.

   There is a cancer on our planet that began eons ago as the self-preservation instinct but has metastasized in a few humans into One Percenter greed (the billionaire class).  One needs only to observe the devastation of the rain forest along with climate change to see it will ultimately lead to the human species’ extinction and there is no cure in sight.  I might propose the long term solution of castration for the billionaire class, but with them in control of our governments, that isn’t going to happen.

Cheers, Old Buz                   5/21/2023


“There are no perfect solutions to the problems of our imperfect world.”

(But, it is nice to keep searching.) – Old Buz


If you find little or no humor in life … you are missing most of it.” – Old Buz