Thursday, May 26, 2022

Guns Don't Kill People

 Guns don't kill people.

Lunatics and morons do.

Your Legislators enable them.

You might think carefully about your upcoming vote.

        Cheers, Old Buz


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Simple Majority?


   Is this still a government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy as our founders designed it?  The simple majority would say that it is, but I would argue that we have perfected their goals far beyond the expectations of our founders.  Our leaders are primarily sponsored by corporate dollars.  And, they vote accordingly.  The legal form of financial corporations took place in The United States primarily in the first two-thirds of the 19th century so the giant corporate dollars were not considered by our founders.  The advertising budgets were much smaller.  They were relying on individual wealth and power. 

    Another mass murder in a school yesterday.  19 students and 3 teachers killed. Shootings usually take place in schools, supermarkets or places of worship.  There have been over 200 mass murders in the US, so far this year.  Some folks think we have adequate gun legislation presently.  As a gun collector and target shooter I don’t think we are even close.  I believe that a citizen above the age of 21 should be allowed to own one or more single shot weapons.  That owner should be licensed.  “You need a license to drive a car”.  What if you could go buy dynamite in a dynamite shop?  In 1927 a man blew up 38 school children and 6 adults at Bath School.  That is why you can no longer buy dynamite in a local store, even if you are 21 and not a convicted felon.  You need a verifiable reason to buy dynamite.  It is federal law.  Consequently school children are no longer being blown up.  Are our present representatives less intelligent than federal legislators were in 1927?  Could it be that lobbyists have too much influence on our government?  Do you think perhaps corporations are better represented than you are?  The simple majority thinks the government is doing just fine.  Why change it?

   I could go on and on.  The examples of your elected representatives, in both parties, not putting your interests before that of large corporations is inexhaustible.    

Cheers, Old Buz       5/25/2022