Tuesday, October 26, 2021

One Vote


   I believe in democracy.  We in America don’t have one.  Our government is slightly democratic, but so flawed in its basic governing rules and procedures, that it doesn’t function that way.  It gives the effectivness of some voters way more sway than the votes of other voters.  A democratic goal is primarily thwarted by the financial influence exerted on both sides of the aisle.  Secondly, it is thwarted by herd mentality of our two party system.  Our ancestors didn’t fight a revolution to make that the case.  In the best democracy possible, each citizen’s vote would count the same as any other.  That should be our goal and if “we the people” care about it … we need to make it so.

   Largely, our elected representatives are not public servants.  They are Party servants.  Their goal is not improving American lives or the nation itself.  It is improving Party power.  To prove this to yourself you need only watch the vote counts.  Each Party accuses the other of voting like a rubber stamp and in both cases it is true.  Let a representative use their own wisdom and conscience in deciding their vote and they will be attacked and eaten by their fellow Party members.  Examples would be Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for the Democrats or Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney for the Republicans.  The voters of each herd mentality, you folks, are all too happy to follow the Party leader’s lead.  Wouldn’t it be a better world if both we and our representatives thought for ourselves?  I would have no objection to a “filibuster”, 60% requirement to pass legislation, if each representative used their own mind, without party influence.  It would bring about meaningful debate and thoughtful votes.  60% is not an unreasonable requirement for changing a law or the direction of the country.  But two rubber stamp groups, evenly split, will accomplish little.  Our present government has been proving that for decades.

  So, what needs changing?  Start by abolishing political parties and the lobbyists who bribe them.  Do away with political action committees.  The Supreme Court, in their action called Citizens United, corrupted the PACs beyond repair.  In a final election for any office the candidate must get the majority of individual votes from those they represent.  A president, holding a federal office would receive the majority of the votes cast in the nation.  In other words, let’s close the Electoral College.  States and voting districts would only be responsible for counting votes, in a federal election, not determining a winner.  The same concept would be applied to the office holders of a state.  To be elected, they would need the majority of voters in their state to vote for them, in the final election.  No campaign funds would enter the state from outside of the state and only individual citizens could contribute a limited amount to any campaign.  No more corporate or union donations or any other group donation.  The ability to make a small political donation should be a perk that only an individual citizen has.  “We The People.”

   One more bad tooth needs pulling.  It is the U.S. Senate.  This is a group that is anti-democratic by design.  No one disputes the fact that a citizen living in Wyoming (Pop. 581,075) has over 68 times the legislative representation of a citizen living in California (Pop. 39,613,493) in our U.S. Senate.  Each state has but 2 senators.  This may have been a good design when the Constitution was written, but it has no relevance today.  “State’s Rights” has grown grotesque.  Any piece of beneficial legislation can be stopped by this little unrepresentative group.  A two year term of office for a House of Representatives member needs to be expanded to four year terms and the Senators need to be put on a bus out of town.  Let’s make ours a democracy, for the people and do it right.

(By the way … when a nation decides not to pay its debts … the nation has failed.  Why would we choose to fail?)


This I believe, Old Buz   10/25/2021
