Saturday, November 19, 2016

Trump's Promises

President Elect, Donald Trump, has promised that he will drain the swamp of Washington, DC and he seems to be trying to be true to his word, on this one.  He is draining the worst of DC, right into his Cabinet.
When Trump says, “Believe me …..” you can disregard, at least, the concepts that follow.  It has been my experience that you can also disregard anything that precedes those two words.  A thinking person should learn this, in their youth, from their first conversation with a salesperson on a used car lot.  Obviously, not all used car salespersons are liars, but if they use the words, “Trust me” or “Believe me”, exercise care.
Hillary Clinton once said, in a debate, that “half of the Trump voters are a basket of deplorables.”  A fact checking organization, reporting to our morning paper, said that she lied in the debates with Trump, 23% of the time.  I would count this in the 23%.  Trump voters, other than the fascists, are not deplorable.  They are gullible.  It is his cabinet members that are deplorables.  The same fact checkers that said Hillary lied 23% of the time, said Donald lied 87% of the time.  It is hard to take pride in either of them.  “Where have all the flowers gone?”  
And why do we still have the Electoral College?  The Presidency is a Federal office, not a State office and should not be a decision made by the States.  Each individual voter should have an equal right to choose their President.  The election can only be decided fairly by the majority of the voters.  The Electoral College might have been a good system, over two hundred years ago, but it certainly isn’t today.  I live in a solid Red State, Arizona.  (We feed the political satire skits on Saturday Night Live.)  My liberal vote for President has been meaningless for the decade that I have lived in Arizona, just as the conservative voter in California’s vote for President has been.  This makes no sense.  The Electoral College has to go.  It is a flawed system.
On the bright side, these next 4 years in America will be exciting times.  It will be a test of the strength of our Nation to survive the Trump Presidency.  There will be damage to our core beliefs of “Liberty and Justice for All”.  There will probably be damage to our trade and human relations with The World.  Earth’s climate change will increase.  Much of our progress in education will be reversed.   Hopefully, we will learn and never take a path like this again.

Cheers, Old Buz, a proud member of Curmudgeons Anonymous