Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Son of God

   My mother was a married Jewish virgin and my father was The Lord of Israel.  Do you have faith in what I have just written?  You have no reason not to believe me …right.  After all, you are reading revelation not hearsay written from a story told a hundred years before.  And you Jews, stop laughing, you have your stories of Passover, Noah’s Ark and the first woman from the first man’s rib.  The point here is that there may be valid reasons to doubt religious tales and most of us do.

   We are seeing the fact that this belief in biblical “history” is generally doubted.  I am yet to see news of any group attempting to pray Putin out of Ukraine.  I think that most folks don’t believe that God actually injects Himself into human affairs.  They like to believe He does, but I don’t think they are being honest with themselves.  It is more effective to send anti-aircraft missiles to the Ukrainians than sending them God.  My nephew, a very intelligent man and an avid sports enthusiast, has told me that if he has a problem too large to handle, he turns it over to Jesus.  It is a good thing that he didn’t choose a career in the military, but then it is a good thing that I didn’t either. 

  We patriots do hand our moral rudder over to the steering of our political leaders.  I understand that 2/3 of the Russian people believe that Putin has a just cause in Ukraine.  I would guess that 2/3 of Americans believed that we had a just cause in Iraq.  “United We Stand.”  Folks (you delusional 2/3),  Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 and had no weapons of mass destruction.  Sorry Dick Cheney.  There was no legitimate reason to bomb the crap out of that nation and then install a puppet government.  Do you see any relationship between President Bush’s actions and President Putin’s present efforts?  I see little difference other than it was our military then and it is Putin’s military now.

   Awareness Guide:

“See what is plain to see.  Doubt if you don’t.” – Daniel

Cheers, Old Buz    3/9/22

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