“There are no perfect solutions to
the problems of our imperfect world.” – Old Buz
But we do
need a prophylactic to curb Vladimir Putin in his efforts to fuck the planet. Given that the man is crazy, but has a finger
close to a red button, a sizable conventional military and dictates to a very
large population … it needs to be well thought out, but don’t expect
Let’s start with the down side. Putin needs a win for his ego. Given the sanctions, the Ukrainian resistance
and world opinion, this war is not going as planned for Russia. We can’t create a no fly zone over Ukraine or
use our satellites and drone force to destroy Russia’s tank force for fear of
escalating to the planet’s nuclear ending.
Let the Separatist portions of Ukraine be an
independent nation. They have had a
civil war going there for 8 years. Let
them separate. Putin can call it a win
and pull back his “Peacekeepers” while saving face. Ukraine can end their expensive battle with
the Separatists. I am not proposing
handing this new nation to Russia. I am
proposing a small independent nation that may unite with Russia, if they wish to,
or simply be allied with Russia. This
already is the case de facto, but it needs to be official and recognized by The
UN in order to stop the pain.
Do not put an immediate end to the Western
economic sanctions of Russia. Oil and
gas sanctions need to be added. There
need to be painful results from causing pain to another nation. Putin needs to be unpopular in his
homeland. He has earned that. The next step is for our CIA to dust off its
Jack Kennedy Play Book and prevent any future action from Putin. I have always held that “The end does not
justify the means”, but in this case it feels like putting down a mad dog will
save millions of innocent lives. A CIA operative
in Moscow could get it done and a compliant Russian Cabinet might well go
along. They might just seal the evidence
in Russian archives for 75 years. It is
sloppy, but it worked once. It can work
again. Consider it a gift to
civilization. The guy is a lunatic with
power. Sounds familiar? But,
there is no functioning democracy to remove Putin.
In time the world can lift the economic
sanctions on Russia. Russia can help to
rebuild Ukraine. A Russia that accepts
the responsibility for Putin’s actions can be forgiven, just as the world has
forgiven Germany for Hitler’s actions and Japan has forgiven America for its
nuclear assault on two civilian populations.
Humans forgive. These are problem
times for our planet and again, “There
are no perfect solutions to the problems of our imperfect world.” We can only do our best.
Cheers, Old
Buz 3/6/22
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