Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Political Correctness"

I was inspired to write this post by an editorial in The Arizona Daily Star, by Tucson trauma surgeon and a Democratic candidate for The Arizona State House of Representatives, Randall Friese.  It was about Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona moving our government closer to the political center through the use of her veto power.  The elected majority of representatives are still right-wing radicals who send her reactionary legislation on guns, religion and Hispanics.  Governor Brewer is presently swatting these laws down with her pen.  She has lost her way.

Jan, in her Republican glory days, signed a bill into law which allowed a patron to carry a concealed weapon into a bar.  In my youth, I spent no small amount of time in bars.  Long enough to know that there is such a thing as an angry drunk.  Start with a concealed weapon carrier (paranoid, psychopath of the “Stand Your Ground” variety) and get them drunk and you are mixing a dangerous cocktail.  Do you personally know anyone, other than a police officer, who carries a concealed weapon?  If you do, remember, “you are judged by the friends you choose.”  Why are we suddenly pushing laws to increase the rights of concealed weapon carriers?  Are they part of a well-regulated militia?  Who are these people?

The Governor was at the height of her political correctness when she was waving her finger in the face of the Democratic President of The United States, Barak Obama.  She was correctly representing the politics of the party that she led and those who elected her.  She was in perfect synchronization with the majority of her State House of Representatives.  But, Jan Brewer is starting to use her mind, her conscience and her allegiance to the people of Arizona.  Why on earth would she do that?  Well, for one thing, she will not be up for re-election, due to term limits.  So she doesn’t have to take her marching orders from her party or the simple majority who placed her in office.  She is free to govern well.  The political fog is lifting.  A sensible person is emerging.  I could vote for Jan Brewer if she were an independent, especially if she were running against a political soldier for either of the parties.

Our representatives soon fall into line with their political party.  The party largely controls their campaign funds and their committee appointments.  This is no small influence.  The sad thing is that it is large corporate dollars that control both parties.  The driving force for large corporate dollars is short term profits, not long term solutions.  So, Dr. Randall Friese, I wish you all of the success in the world and I enjoyed your article, but as a curmudgeon, I would advise you to keep your funny little green outfit, stay clear of politics and be careful what you wish for.

Comments are welcome, Old Buz

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