Friday, January 7, 2022

White Privilege


   I am a “white” person, but I would be proud to have a racist call me a WINO (White In Name Only).  You see, I don’t believe that skin pigmentation has anything to do with who an individual is.  As to my “white privilege,” I don’t believe that I have any privileges due to the color of my skin.  What I do have is the rights and privileges that our country claims to offer to all of its citizens.  Equal treatment under the law and by the society has always been mine, but hardly ever given to people of other than white skin tone.  Our society has always screwed people of color and treated me as promised.  What is called white privilege is not a privilege at all.  It is a right promised to all citizens of our nation.

   The time to keep our word is long overdue.  In my lifetime I have never voted after standing in a line of over ten people.  That is not what I see in the news for people of color.  Black leaders and spokespeople are now asking for federal legislation to stop voter suppression and vote subversion by officials.  Voter inequity by states is not a black issue, as is claimed.  It is an issue of a challenged democracy.  The Republican target is the voting power of Democrats, not people of color.  Black people are simply an easy target.  As an ethic group, they reliably vote Democrat and they are often ghettoized (made an easy target of zoning).  When people of color are disabled in their voting rights, your group will be next.  So back color blind voting regulation and let your voice be heard.  When voting rights are controlled by one political party, it will not be easy to turn our system of government around and you will no longer have anything similar to a democracy.

   Our US Senate recently came together and voted in a non-partisan vote (85% in favor) to spend more dollars on our military in 2022 than the next ten nations in the world combined spend.  Yet they cannot come together in a non-partisan manner to ensure equal voting rights for all of our citizens.  Is there a problem with our government and the people we elect to office?

   Donald Trump once said, “When all of the nation can vote by mail, no more Republicans will be elected.”  He was often wrong, but he had this one right.  Actually it has nothing to do with mail.  It has only to do with more people voting.  Republicans would rarely win if our democracy was fully functioning and more of our population voted.  The “Party of No” does not represent the people and it offers them nothing.  To be able to win the Republicans would need to change their mission to conservative change and conservative economics.  This would not be a hard pill to swallow for most thinking Republicans.  Thinking, honest Republicans are presently a small minority of their membership, but a change in the party to benefit all, would be a welcome and a popular shift.  Honest, thinking Republicans have been forced out of the party, but they need to take it back for the good of the nation.  

Cheers, Old Buz, proud to be a WINO         1/7/2022

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