I have a hypothesis for what caused the collapse
of the building recently in Surfside, Florida.
The Surfside, FL Condo Collapse
Was Caused by The Builder Using Beach
Sand To Make The Concrete Used To Construct The Building. See what you think.
1. It was not a failure in architecture
or engineering because it stood through 40 years of hurricanes and gale force
winds. Then fell on a quiet night. It rotted from within.
2. Most concrete buildings are located
near the water, because 80% of our population lives near water, in large
cities. Most of the water is salt
water. Think of cities like Los Angeles,
New York, San Francisco, Miami and San Diego.
All have salt breezes.
3. Many of the concrete buildings, by
the sea, are well over 100 years old and yet they do not collapse.
4. Many bridges are built of concrete
and stand in salt water. They do not
crumble in forty years, nor do the nearby buildings.
5. It is cheaper to gather local beach
sand than purchase salt-free, commercial inland sand to mix with the cement.
6. The Surfside condo rubble isn’t
composed primarily of large slabs of concrete. It
is small clumps, indicating decomposition.
7. Before my wife and I moved to Oregon
it was investigated and determined that a recently built bridge on Highway 1,
near Florence, collapsed because the contractor that built it used beach sand
to make the concrete for the bridge.
Beach sand plus cement creates a soon to be crumbling concrete.
8. A probable NSA investigation, which
will likely be somewhat influenced by corporate America, will probably
determine that the probable cause was salt air destroying this 40 year old
building. After all, we would like to
believe that a large construction company would not use beach sand in
constructing a concrete commercial building, even if it saved them hundreds of
thousands of dollars. And who knows what
other structures this company used this practice in building?
“Common Wisdom is an oxymoron.” – Old Buz 6/29/2021
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