Wednesday, November 15, 2023

A Black Santa !?

A Black Santa !?

   Today I watched an advertisement for a Disney film featuring a Black Santa and Black Elves.  After spending my entire life as a Honky (a Fade) I was shocked and offended by having a white mythological figure portrayed by a black mythological figure.  The Santa myth is ours, not theirs, just as the Jesus myth is ours.  Ask yourself, “What will it take to Make America Great Again?”   

   There is an assault taking place on white privilege.  It must be stopped at any cost.  Even the election of Herr Drump, Verminemeister to the office of President, is not too much of a mistake.  Those who run Disney are WINOs (White In Name Only) and must be eliminated.  The previous words are my view of MAGA (Morons Against Government, Association), of those still on the Trump Train.

   There is no valid reason for the mythological Santa to be a white man.  He represents the imaginary Christmas gift giver to small children.  But, small Black children actually get their gifts from a Black Santa.  My children got their gifts from Mrs. Clause, since my wife has always been the parent to shop for gifts in our family.

   So Santa can be black or white or of color or a man or a woman or a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim.  The Santa mythology can be owned by any of us, as can the Jesus mythology.  Jews and learned theologians will say He was a Jew, born of a married Jewish virgin and the Creator of a Universe, 47 Billion Light Years in diameter and growing at the exact same rate as the power of our telescopes.  Right Wing Christians may claim Him as theirs and people of color may do the same.  I don’t know where Mary and The Creator met, but their serendipity meeting sure changed the future of the Western World.  Realizing that this story is mythology should take place at about the same age that a child learns who Santa actually is, but somehow in some, the delusion persists throughout their lives.

   Why is this important?  Because belief in religion can lead to love and joy or it can lead to hate and murder as it presently does in The Holy Land.  As an agnostic, I can live without it.

Cheers, Old Buz        11/15/2023

Biblical Wisdom

 “Live by the foma* that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy.” – The Book of Bokonon I:5 – Translation by Kurt Vonnegut

*foma = harmless untruths 

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