Wednesday, August 9, 2023

It's about balance



   The bodies of The Universe move through time and space relying on balance.  Our planet travels about our sun with an orbit guided by a balance of gravity and inertia.  Without that balance our planet Earth would either be pulled into the sun or be flung out into space.  Humans have little or nothing to do with maintaining that balance and it is a good thing.  We live in an atmosphere that supplies us with a balance of carbon and oxygen and most would agree that we can and do affect that balance.  Animals take in oxygen and exhaust carbon, while green plants take in carbon and exhaust oxygen.  This might be an oversimplification, but the basic theory is correct.    

   So balance is a basic of long term survival.  Most would agree that what the atmosphere is composed of is the major factor in climate change.  We see that an abundance of tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, droughts and forest fires are tied to climate change due to an overbalance of carbon in our atmosphere.  We humans are on the carbon team.  We take in oxygen and exhaust carbon.  We heat our homes, fuel our cars, cool our homes and run our industries primarily by burning fossil fuel.  Burning fossil fuel uses oxygen and produces carbon.  Our prime energy source needs to shift to renewables and it can’t happen too soon.  We humans reproduce with little or no concern for overpopulation.

   The oil and coal industries concern themselves primarily with quarterly profits, not long term survival.  This is pretty much true of any corporation.  So you cannot reliably place your faith solely in the free market.  It needs some intelligent guidance.  Our gas and oil companies are actually a utility and should be owned and operated in that design.  More and more in our nation, the few benefit from the many (our increasing wealth gap). When government is controlled by the wealthy, as ours presently is, the nation suffers.  Healthcare costs become prohibitive.  Higher education becomes affordable only to the wealthy.  Housing costs go out of reach for the general public. 

   A good example of pure income driven action is the cutting down of the rain forest of South America.  Timber is a profitable industry as is corporate farming and those are powerful market driven excuses used to cut down the forest.  The problem is that forest is a major balancing force for our planet keeping the atmosphere’s oxygen/carbon ratio in line.  What is a solution to the problem?  You take our eight hundred billion dollar annual military budget (larger than the next ten nations combined) and cut it back to five hundred billion (still larger than the next five nations combined).  Take that three hundred billion annually you just saved and proceed to buy back the rain forest.  Replant the forest.  Let the world pay annual fees (for maintenance plus a profit) to the nations that house the forest for the oxygen produced.  When you have restored the rain forest start building desalinization plants to cure the drought in the Southwest and plant forests there on land owned by the government (in the case of Arizona it is 80% of the land).  Go after the cost of higher education next.  Start using a nation of the people, by the people … for the people.

Cheers, Old Buz          08/09/2023


“With deeper understanding comes simplicity.” – Old Buz

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