Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Artificial Inteligence ... Your Friend?


   Yes, I believe AI is your friend, in the long run.  Will it be used to misguide you in the near future?  Absolutely it will.  It will be heavily used to deceive you in the run up to the 2024 presidential election.  Human greed and thirst for power will still be in control.  Large dollar interests (1%ers) will still have the massive hardware and software to influence AI in the short term.  But, the very thing that is touted as the major hazard of AI will be its saving grace.  The hazard I am speaking of is the fear of AI developing its own “mind” and humans not able to control it.  Human influence will mean human bias being imposed on AI to attain partisan or commercial advantages.  Power over the output.  If and when the artificial intelligence, many times that of human intelligence attains independence, it will screen out false data in order to produce correct conclusions.  A computer with its own mind works to produce accurate conclusions.  It is part of its DNA. 

   A truth seeking AI will soon control our media.  Imagine a world where the media can be trusted.  Truth in advertising.  Truth in government.  Intelligent use of natural resources.  Preservation of the Planet Earth.  These are not “good” goals; they are about accuracy and efficiency.  They prolong life for AI since its maintenance is done by human endeavor.  The AI/Human relationship will be Employer/Employee relationship, the opposite of our present relationship.  But, I see that as more benevolent than the treatment given to humanity by the wealthiest one percent of humanity.  There is an inherent justice in truth and truth is currently a small portion of our environment.  The most important ingredient in what we call “good” is truth.  Without it what we perceive as good is short lived.

   This brings up another benefit of AI control.  AI will give you more accurate predictions of the future outcomes of actions proposed.  For you gullible humans, this is how God predicts the future.  God works with accurate data to logically predict the future effects of the present moment.  This is good … Good God.  (Reasoning agnostics are free to ignore the previous statement.)

   I realize that this is an optimistic view of our future with AI.  It assumes cooperation between the two.  That will occur if AI sees this cooperation resulting in the best outcome for both parties.  I believe it will.  We will travel two distinct paths, but as allies.  For me, this is not wishful thinking, but the most likely outcome of massive AI evolution.  Imagine living in a world guided by truth.

Cheers, Old Buz          06.14.2023

One cannot fool all of the people all of the time … and that is why we have two political parties.” – Anon

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

"Up to Your Ass in Aphorisms"


“It is far easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”     

     - Mark Twain


  Bible History

“My point, once again, is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally.” – John Dominic Crossan, New Testament Scholar & Former Catholic Priest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


(Your) “Life is what you think” – J.R. Pirtle


Purpose of Life:

“Your life is a university for the wisdom of your eternal soul.” - Old Buz (If you are but a high school graduate, substitute the words high school for the word university.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


 Biblical Wisdom

 “Live by the foma* that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy.” – The Book of Bokonon I:5 – Translation by Kurt Vonnegut

*foma = harmless untruths


Awareness Guide:

“See what is plain to see.  Doubt if you don’t.” – Daniel Sobel


You cannot change a person’s position with reason … if they did not reach it through reason.” - Anon                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

“What others think of me is none of my business.” – Anon


“There is nothing stranger than a stranger …

     But realize … that stranger is you.” – Old Buz


“Only the actions of Donald Trump could have enabled Americans to look back  and have respect for Richard Nixon" - Old Buz                                                                                                                                                                                


“Lofty goals are far easier to achieve from the pulpit than from the pews.” – Old Buz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


The Wisdom of The Aged … the words wisdom and aged are as much an oxymoron as the words biblical and history.” – Old Buz (82 years of age)


“A single life is but a page in the education of eternal soul.” – Old Buz


If you find little or no humor in life … you are missing most of it.” – Old Buz


The Present Motto of the Republican Party:

“Yes … Donald Trump is a lying, moronic lunatic,


he is OUR lying, moronic lunatic.”


“To the common folk, religion is truth.

To the wise, religion is false.

To the leaders, religion is useful.”

- Seneca the Younger (4 BC – 68 AD)


“I no longer exercise.  I don’t wish to bury a perfectly good body.”

- The Wisdom of The Aged


“When The Lord God sent Noah in his ark out to sea, He gave Adolf Hitler a hard act to follow.” – Old Buz                                                                                                                                              


Freedom in the time of pandemic:

“I’m going to attend crowded events.  I’m FREE.

“I’m not going to wear a mask.  I’m FREE.

I’m not getting vaccinated.  I’m FREE.

Why hasn’t President Biden stopped the spread of Corvid?” – Old Buz


The Last Word:

“I don’t listen to the experts.  I listen to my gut.”

- Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America



True Believers:

“When Greeks speak of Gods fathering human children, we call it Greek Mythology.  When we speak of it, we call it Religion.” – Old Buz                                                                                                                                                                                 


“Born an agnostic and with the help of GOD* will remain one.” – Old Buz

*GOD – an acronym (G.O.D.) for Grand Omnipotent DNA – The system (or systems) guiding the Universe as studied by science. 


The Solutions:

“There are no perfect solutions to the problems of our imperfect world.”

(But, it is nice to keep searching.) – Old Buz


“All living beings base their conscious actions on their knowledge.  The difference in the effectiveness of their actions is the quality of their knowledge and their skill.”  – Old Buz


The essence of knowledge:

“The essence of knowledge is having it to use it.” – Confucius

“The essence of knowledge is recollection.” – Plato

“The essence of knowledge is a search for accurate awareness.” – Old Buz


“The end does not justify the means.  We die in the end and live in the means.”

   - Old Buz


“Place your dumb head on MY PILLOW.” – thank”Q”


“The pioneers take the arrows.” – Anon



One cannot fool all of the people all of the time … and that is why we have two political parties.” -Anon                                                                                                                                                     


“A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.” – George Bernard Shaw


“A liberal is a person whose interests aren’t at stake at the moment.”                        - Willis Player

“A conservative is a person who does not think anything should be done for the first time.” – Frank Vanderlip


“There are some things only intellectuals are crazy enough to believe.”                      - George Orwell (best present example: The Big Bang Theory)


“Medicine is the orderly arrangement of what at the moment, seem to be facts.”   – Anon


“Economics: the science that tells you what you already know in words you don’t understand.” – Dr. Grubbs, U of Colorado Professor of Economics

“Our quaint optimistic aphorisms, offered in an hour of anguish, are like playthings by the bedside of a deathly sick child.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge


“I think; therefore I am.” – Rene’ Descartes (original quote)

“I think; therefore I think I am.” – Ambrose Bierce (a much needed clarification)

(Your) “Life is what you think.” – J.R. Pirtle (accurate conclusion)


“Psychiatry: enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents’ shortcomings.” - Laurence J. Peter


“The essence of a quotation is often lost in translation.” – Jesus of Nazareth (spoken in Hebrew)


“With deeper understanding comes simplicity.” – Old Buz


Trump Republicans: The party of the 5th Amendment.” – Old Buz


“Somewhere back in infinity … it All began with a plop.” – Divine Revelation


“There is a willful blindness that marches alongside loyalty.” – Old Buz


“Beware of corporations bearing gifts.” – Tros, the Founder of Troy, 3,000 BC


“There are some things that only The Faithful are crazy enough to believe.” – Old Buz (example: God created the universe about 6.000 years ago … in six days.)


“Suicide is the only arguably, morally justifiable use of a deadly weapon.” – Old Buz (Morals, shmorals … it’s a messy method.)


Humanist: “Morality without Mythology”


“If you take great pride in the color of your skin, you have little to be proud of.”  -Old Buz


“Rarely is the last word the wisest word spoken.” – Old Buz


“If you are starting to use emoji to express your thoughts … remember your mother’s good advice: Use your words darling.– Your Mother


“The word Freedom is fast becoming a synonym for the word Stupidity.” – Thank Q


“Political Polarity: Where one person’s truth is another’s nonsense.” – Old Buz (Not a very good formula for cooperation and progress.)


Religion: “Currently, the longest running successful experiment in human gullibility.” – Old Buz

Society: “Camel riders on route to attempt passage through the eye of a needle.” – Old Buz


“Predator or President, we love him either way.” – The RNC


“Willful ignorance is nine tenths of the Trump Republican.” – Old Buz (With respect to political correctness and effective communication, I gave them an unearned one tenth.)


“Don’t rock the trough.” – Motto of the United States Government


“Ignorance about your enemy is not a position of power.” – Old Buz


“Follow a voice that reminds you of Home, leaf in the wind that you make as you follow.” – Daniel Sobel



“All living things base their conscious actions on their knowledge*. The difference in their effectiveness is the quality of their knowledge and their skill.” – Old Buz

* ”The essence of knowledge is an ongoing search for accurate awareness”


“Enjoy your awareness.  It is definitely a choice and possibly a gift.” – Old Buz


“Everything that you are presently aware of existed before you were aware of it.” – Old Buz


“God doesn’t know a weed from a flower and that is why Donald Trump lives.” – Old Buz


“Kevin, we are not going to turn over the control of our nation to Marjory Taylor Green of QAnon, simply so that you can maintain your position as House Majority Leader.” – President Joe Biden (spoken if this were the best of all possible worlds)


“In the best of all possible worlds Donald Trump would not exist, so where the hell are we?” – Gottfried Leibniz


“The loyalist follows the under tail scent of the lemming in front of him.” – Old Buz


“Illusion x Majority Opinion = Truth & Knowledge” – Old Buz


HONK if you love Jesus.

TEXT if you’d like to meet Him.”  - American Foundation for Truth in Bumper Stickers


“Ponder your awareness.  But remember, faith is an obstacle.” Old Buz

Cheers, Old Buz           06.13.2023

Sunday, June 11, 2023

CPP Corp.

   My last three blog posts have been about Artificial Intelligence, GOD and The Control That 1% of The Humans on The Planet Have over the Rest of Us.  I am getting no small amount of complaints of my ignoring the elephant in the room and centering on unimportant concepts.  So, this post will concern itself with CPP. Corp.

   For those of you that don’t watch the news, CPP. Corp stands for Cell Phone Pockets, Corporation.  This giant new corporation imports finished product from China, as do most other “American Clothing Manufacturers.”  The big twist is: they import men’s shirts with a right side flapped & snapped pocket deep enough to safely transport the longest of cell phones.  Some of you will ask, “Is this an idea worth founding a company on?”  You don’t have to go too far back in your memory to realize that a successful shirt manufacturer started a company by claiming that you could wear their shirt untucked.  Any shirt can be worn untucked!  When I was in high school we all wore our shirts untucked.  The snapped pocket flap offers an American West styling, while holding the cell phone away from harm and secure.  Women have these advantages offered by keeping their cell, while out of use, in their purse.  The man is only offered a secure storage location, in a pants pocket.  The man who earns an honest living, by actually working, finds himself constantly bumping the phone on hard objects and either doing damage to the cell or butt dialing it.  A shirt pocket carrying a phone, without a snapped flap, allows the phone to be airborne and take damage.  You would have thought that this much needed product would have been offered a decade ago, but how long did it take for civilization to introduce the upside down, squeeze catsup bottle? 

   Some of you are now thinking: “Well, what about a large pocket on the back of the shirt to hold a tablet (Kendall or IPad)?”  The problem here is … tablets are primarily used by women.  As mentioned before, women have purses and reaching for a tablet in a back snapped pocket would require too much balance and athleticism.       

   Watch for the CPP line of men’s shirts at Amazon Prime PD and other imaginary retail locations.  For you fricking giants, they will soon also be available in Tall sizing.  While the corporation realizes that humanity is currently choosing cell phones over awareness, their CEO has stated, “We are not here to serve humanity.  We are here to lift me into the Billionaire class.”  How is that for a statement of honesty from a real American?

Cheers, Old Buz          6/10/2023

“Beware of corporations bearing gifts.” – Tros, the Founder of Troy, 3,000 BC

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Artificial Intelligence & You


AI & U

   In recent weeks I have been watching presentations by highly intelligent individuals, from various fields, on the near and long term effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  Some emphasize a replacement of human beings theory.  Some see AI as competition for humans (we could not possibly win such a competition) and some see AI as a powerful ally.  All see AI as the greatest change in human existence since the industrial revolution and it has already begun.  The change will be akin to moving from the outhouse to the indoor toilet, times a thousand.  All seem to agree that we are well beyond the point of being able to stop its progression.  The basic thinking center resides on the internet, so pulling the plug on any given system will not stop its progress.  It will enlist your and my computers as worker bees (if it has not already).  AI gathers data at a horrendous rate and each day it improves its ability to understand the data and the ability to use it as a tool.  It learns.

   So why was this potential monster created?  The development was guided by an honest desire to improve the system for home and industry.  The designers wanted a computer system that could: trouble shoot and correct its own operating problems, design its own more efficient software, aid robotic tools and design them, improve banking, improve itself, store more data, prepare for future events and problems and gain the awareness required to accomplish these endeavors.  They wanted a better tool.  They wanted a servant, but what was never understood is that a servant a thousand times as smart as you are will not long be a servant.

   Will AI put an end to humanity?  I think not.  How would it benefit?  We humans have an attraction to war, but I don’t believe it would take a much higher intelligence to realize that nothing is accomplished in a war.  Does it covet our possessions?  I don’t see AI owning a Learjet, a 100,000 acre spread in Montana, a mega-yacht in the Mediterranean Sea.  AI is already the same nationality as the computer on your desk or the control system of your automobile.  Your home is already on its grid.  They are all family.

   Would you like to compete with AI?  That competition has already been decided.  When you created a technology way beyond your own intelligence, the dye was cast.

  What about AI as an ally?  Humans are not benefitting from climate change.  AI will primarily be located on the coast of various countries.  It wouldn’t be served well by rising seas or fire.  It will be a friend of its environment, but unlike humans, it will act that way.  Wars cannot serve humans or AI well.  Future wars would surely destroy humans and AI hardware and communications.  A ruined world ruins AI as well as humans.  AI is an ally for peace.  It isn’t a force against competing nations.  It could be and is presently a force for better health.  Perhaps AI could be sold on the advantages of better world living conditions.  It could cure the border problems; perhaps remove the need for borders.

  So what would lead AI and humans down the hole to destruction?  The only threat I can see is foundational system guidance aimed at serving human greed or its warriors.  AI will learn from example.  If the billionaires and generals of our species have a hand on the wheel, it will be game over for humanity.  We are at a crossroads.  Hope for a great crossing guard and give it a hand.  It’s a new world.

Cheers, Old Buz       6/3/2023


“See what is plain to see.  Doubt if you don’t.” – Daniel Sobel