Saturday, April 15, 2023

How Dumb?


   The whole question is: How dumb is too dumb?  The answer in our great nation is: “It approaches infinity.”  Some examples are: Gas caps on either side of a car.  State colleges priced above what the children of middle income parents can afford.  No universal healthcare on a planet where most modern industrial nations have figured out how to implement it.  Robot Calls dominating land lines.  Automobile charging stations with non-universal plug ends.  Electing a man President who said, “When I find a woman attractive, I grab her by the pussy.”  Believing that the universe was created six thousand years ago in six days.  These are but a tiny example of the stupidity that we accept, from humans, living on this planet, in this “democratic” nation.  And, the answer given is as dumb as the issue being accepted, “I am only one person.  What can I do about it?”

   These examples need … not to be accepted.  In most cases they call for intelligent regulation by government representatives who actually represent you (a delusion).  Stop accepting Freedom and Stupidity as synonyms. 

   To state the obvious, the fuel inlet needs to be on the driver’s side of the car.  All cars would then pull to the right side of the pumps, just as they pull to the right side of the road.  This would prevent the cars from facing each other while fueling.  This does not lead to an efficient traffic flow.  The driver also would not be required to walk around his or her car in order to fuel it.  There is no insurmountable engineering problem ever presented in placing the fuel filler inlet on the driver’s side of the car.  Since auto manufacturers don’t see it that way, it needs to be legislated.   

   By working full time during summer vacation and part time while in school, I was able without financial assistance from my parents to graduate from college without debt.  I attended state universities in Colorado and California.  In the sixties, when I attended college, our nation saw it as tax worthy to send our best and our brightest to a sponsored college education.  In a global economy including other nations who do sponsor a college education for deserving students, the US needs to do this in order to compete.  It also is good for the future health of the nation.  It’s the smart thing to do.

   Universal healthcare is offered by most of the modern industrial nations to their people.  It offers them a healthier nation.  It results in the children of the poor being given the same quality of healthcare as the children of the wealthy.  That seems like a good idea and while you are at it why not offer it to adults as well?  We already offer it to those who are no longer working.

   Home telephone services or land lines are now infested with robot calls.  These calls are rarely if ever placed by reputable companies.  They are a nuisance and growing in frequency.  Some avoid them by switching to cell phone only use, but soon the invasion will be prevalent in cell phones as well.  With corporate technology, what can be done will be done.  So, how is it that your service supplier does not offer robo-free service to you?  I would be willing to pay a small monthly fee for that feature.  It would presently give the supplier a competitive edge.  We would stop being offered fraudulent imaginary benefits at a price or a donation.  Kill the robot phone systems.  Let the person on the other end of your phone line be someone you wish to speak with.  Not so long ago, it was.

   I don’t yet have an electric powered automobile.  I will have one when they are affordable to the general public.  I heard a man say, on TV this morning, that he has one and that the cable at the various charging station do not always fit his car.  This is a stupidity equal to that of gas filling on either side of a car.  One standard connection, determined by law is in order.  Searching for a source with an agreeable connection is not acceptable.  Imagine your TV requiring a different receptacle than your toaster or a lamp.  Each appliance with its own receptacle design.  “How dumb is too dumb?”   Lord, please don’t burden us with right hand and left hand filling ports forever.  The strange thing about this is it would cost the manufacturers less to standardize.  Legislation should not be required.  It lowers the cost of production.  Works better too.

  In a democracy, when a candidate says, “When I see an attractive woman, I grab here by the pussy.” One wouldn’t expect him to be elected.  Men with respect for other human beings would not logically vote for that candidate.  I would have thought that no self-respecting woman would.  I would imagine that a few low life males might have that unspoken thought.  But a precious few would be dumb enough to verbalize it to a member of the national press.  Rex Tillerson, the elected President’s first Secretary of State, called his president a “Fucking Moron”.  He knew him well, but one didn’t have to know him well to observe this.  The President, after being given a test for dementia, claimed genius for remembering all five objects.  Democracy abused is democracy denied.  (In respect for any gullible reader, who voted for the man, I am not mentioning the President’s name.)

   Now we come to the subject of religion.  I do not wish to offend any of you gullible folks who believe in religion, but I gotta do what I gotta do.  The Holy Bible, the most popular book in Western Civilization, is obviously mythology.  In my experience, most religious folk believe it was written by God or with His guidance and is fact, not fiction.  The novel begins by telling you that God created the universe in six days, six thousand years ago.  It then tells you that He created the first woman from the first man’s rib.  Anyone graduating from the fifth grade should know neither of these assertions is a fact and yet the simple majority of Americans are religious.   

   Some of you reading this particular blog may determine that the author is a pompous ass.  You would be correct.  Those who know me well, share your opinion.  But, how about considering the above material as well.  Would a torch and pitchfork aid the appropriate action?

Cheers, Old Buz         4/15/2023

You cannot change a person’s position with reason … if they did not reach it through reason.” - Anon                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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