Tuesday, November 1, 2022

P & G (Power & Greed)


   We are talking about the driving force of this nation, or any nation in the world.  Power and greed are born of a basic human instinct, the survival instinct, gone cancerous.  This cancer is attacking the third leg of our democracy of Of The People, By The People and For The People.  For The People is being replaced by  For The Party.  Of the people and by the people is easy to maintain in government, only people are involved, but when benefit for the party replaces benefit for the people, you no longer have a functioning democracy.  Party interests are large dollar interests.  This is evident in both political parties.  

  When a benefit to the people is asked for, partisan bickering stops it.  A clear example of this is the need for effective gun regulation.  In a nation leading in mass murder of school children, worshipers and shoppers, with over 70% of the population wanting more effective gun regulation, our legislature is blocked by large financial interests disguised as partisan bickering.  The same goes for better education, clean air, clean water, universal healthcare, regulating the pharmaceutical industry or infrastructure.  But, let there be legislation, like a 20 to 30 billion dollar annual military budget increase to a budget of ¾ of a Trillion dollars … an annual military budget already larger than the sum total of the next 10 largest military budgets in the world and it is come together time for our political parties.  No problem.  Bipartisan agreement.   Representatives voted by over 80% for the increase.  The vote was not by party lines.  Of the 14 senators who voted against the increase, 9 were Republicans and 5 were Democrats (one of which sometimes calls himself an independent).  The other 86 senators voted in a non-partisan manner for the outrageous increase.  This $30 billion increase alone would go a long way toward buying the rain forest back from private interests, saving the forest and giving the planet better quality air and slowing drastic climate change.  Today’s greed is a much more powerful driving force than the long term health of the planet.  When a government implements the pleasure of a few with the pain of many, we are no longer a functioning democracy.  Good governing is no longer an issue.

   A better educated voting population is part of the solution.  Ridding ourselves of massive special interest dollars of political parties and lobbyists is the other part.  Better education is easily attained.  The required steps are obvious.  It comes with better financial support and better systems of education.  Saving a democracy already awash in corporate dollars is another issue.  Beware of the P & G.

Cheers, Old Buz     11.1.2022



One cannot fool all of the people all of the time and that is why we have two political parties.” - Anon                                                                                                                                                 

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