Friday, August 26, 2022

The Lion President

The Lion President

I saw an advertisement on TV this morning for an animated film titled The Lion King.  I thought, “How strange.”  There is no such thing as a lion government or a lion nation, so what is an individual lion the king of?  But, America has had four years of a Lion President and his lion government and the MAGA who marched lock step behind him. Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks or Sony, to name a few  could make a very funny film reminiscing about all of the lies told by Trump in his presidency and perhaps some that he shared before holding office.  I foresee box office records and Trump Monkeys marching on theaters.  There would probably be a Right Wing Christian fatwa attack ordered on the CEO of the production company.    The ex-President would threaten a law suit, as is his method of operation, but truth is a defense against slander, so he would not prevail.  He probably couldn’t get a reputable lawyer to take the case.  The quantity of lies told by Trump himself on video and tape and by his supporting cast of cabinet members, attorneys and members of congress would be more than enough material to script a hilarious film and a sequel.  What an entertaining trip down memory lane for Democrats, thinking independents and not willfully blind Republicans.  Probably an administration will never again offer such ongoing entertainment.  Lest you Democrats take too much joy in watching this film remember, “One cannot fool all of the people all of the time … and that is why there are two political parties.”  - Anon.

Cheers, Old Buz          8/26/2022 

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