Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Price Controls

“Price Controls”

   There, I said them, the two ugliest words in our free market, capitalist society.  You won’t hear them on your cable news, be you a Republican lemming or a Democrat lemming.  The folks that control your fuel supply and its price work for their shareholders, not the public.  No matter what the price at the pumps, you are not to say or think those words “price controls”.  We have many times gone to war for American Oil Companies, so why would we complain about greed driven inflation?  America is not experiencing a fuel shortage.  At least the last two administrations have claimed that we are no longer oil dependent on other nations.  The price is being raised for excessive profits, not in response to a war in the Ukraine.  What can Joe Biden do?  Nothing, without your “representatives” acting as your representatives and employing price controls.

  So why doesn’t your government take action to prevent you from being slaughtered at the pumps?  There are two reasons.  One, your representatives don’t represent you.  They represent large dollar interests.  Two, in an imaginary world where they did employ price controls on oil, the oil companies would cut supplies and you would be waiting in line, on your knees, to beg for a few gallons of gas.  The oil would be going to Europe where there is a shortage and no price controls.  Have you ever noticed that the proposed Keystone Pipeline ends at a port in New Orleans?  That is the pipeline claimed to make us oil independent.

  Is there a solution?  Not an easy one.  It is time to treat fuel that gets you to work and your food to the market as a utility.  And, it is time to nationalize any utility or other natural monopoly.  Yes, your government needs to serve you.  With greed growing grotesque in our nation, we need to return to reason.  The excess profit motive is rotting the nation from within.  Any increase in minimum wages will result in inflation beyond the benefit of the wage increase.  Corporations will do this … because they can.

 Cheers, Old Buz      6/15/2022 

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