When President Biden declares that he will
nominate a Black Woman for a vacant position on the US Supreme Court, he is
making a racist, sexist statement. Sorry
all you well-meaning liberals, but that is a fact. To limit the field of contenders by ruling
out male or Caucasian contenders takes away the most desirable attribute of “best
qualified.” I’m not saying that a Black
Woman could not be the best qualified nominee.
It is just that color or sex has little to do with the issue.
What of the concept that the Court should
mirror the population in its distribution of race and sex? Is that a legitimate goal? Well, yes I suppose it is, but it should tend
to do just that without racism and sexism involved. So avoid those pitfalls. Don’t declare that the next appointed Supreme
Court Justice will be a Black Female. It
is not how a just America should function.
“Just” needs to be an important consideration in our justice system.
Look at it from the standpoint of “The End
Justifying The Means.” Can having a Black
woman on the Court by only encouraging Black women to apply and only
considering Black women for appointment possibly be a good transaction? Well, my take on that philosophy is, “We live
in the means and die in the end.” In
other words our devious thoughts and actions are never justified by the chance
of a desirable outcome. Bad methods are
unlikely to win the ball game.
It would be nice to see a Black Woman be our
next justice appointed to the Supreme Court, but I would see it open to all and
have that person be the best qualified of the applicants. Sex and color are not valid
qualifications. If mirroring the
population is the primary consideration for Court appointment, let’s consider
groups with no representation on the Court, like Orientals and Gays.
Cheers, Old
Buz 1/30/2022