Sunday, November 29, 2020

Who is vaccinated first?


Who is vaccinated first?

This is America, so it is obvious that the first Covid-19 vaccinations will be administered to the wealthiest 1% of the population.  After that the order will possibly be based on contribution to society or perhaps voting influence.  The Biden future White House is now dealing with the order of disbursement.  I would see contribution to the society be the prime determinant, so it probably won’t be, but if it were, it would look like this:

The medical personnel working to fight the pandemic along with the technicians that support their efforts would be number one.  Then those involved in the logistics of getting food and shelter to the population.  Next would be educators  and first responders.  Then, those who maintain and repair machinery and appliances.

Many of you are now saying, “You have forgotten those in assisted living.”  I haven’t forgotten them.  I have not yet gotten down to them in my suggested list.  A doctor might have already listed them because they would, from a health standpoint, benefit most from the vaccine.  This is a valid goal that is easily defended.  Those in assisted living are the most frail and most likely to die from the virus.  By being in assisted living, they have started down the slippery slide toward death.  If one of our goals is to save the US economy, they shift to low on the list.  I, myself, am one year into my eighth decade, retired, not physically or mentally as strong as I once was (society has retired me).  So my question is, do you, for the sake of the nation, want to give me the vaccine first, or give it to an eighteen year-old?  The eighteen year old is yet to produce their family or contribute their strength and education to the nation.  I would give the vaccination first to the young and productive, last to the retired.  I would tend to give it first to those who shower after work, then to those who shower before work.  I am not designing a death panel here, I am choosing a logical map to distribute a lifesaving vaccine, that is temporarily in short supply.  I am looking to benefit the nation, not individuals, because it will be a nationally designed and implemented program, funded by the nation.  Individual decisions are heavily weighted by self-preservation, not the good of the whole.  This includes political decisions. 

So, who goes last?   Those who harm the nation (the greedy).  In other words, first to those who benefit the nation, next those who have a neutral effect and last those who do the nation harm.  A simple and logical road map, but not one to likely be followed.  We will see.

Cheers, Old Buz     11/29/2020

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