Monday, October 5, 2020

A Prayer for Trump


   When I first heard that President Trump had coved 19, I thought, “Perhaps there is a God.”  Now that Donald Trump has contacted the Corona Virus, I pray for him.  I go into a closet and pray for a quick and painful death in order to start his eternal journey into Hell.  I go into a closet as per the instructions of The Half-Breed* in The Holy Bible, King James, Matthew, Chapter 6: 5,6 &7 Sermon on the Mount.  If you wish to pray for his speedy recovery, please stand with others in your chosen house of worship.

   I have never before wished such an end to anyone, but this is a very special man.  As President, he advises America that Corona is a hoax (as is climate change) and not to wear a mask or socially distance.  If you want to wash your hands, go ahead, he will feel better about shaking it.  His leadership has made him personally responsible for at least half of the Corona Virus deaths in the US.  If we were to elect him for another four years he will probably be responsible for more American deaths than Hitler murdered Jews in Germany.  He is the engineer of The Trump Train, with a passenger load of Thundering Dummies and “Q”anon.

   It has never ceased to amaze me how folks like the guests and hosts of MSNBC will insult The Golden Ass from morning till night, but if he falls ill, pray for his speedy recovery.  Is hypocrisy the way of the politically correct world?  When President Bone Spur calls Senator John McCain a coward, is that OK?  Hell, I didn’t even like it when AWOL Bush called John Kerry a coward (actually it was “Turd Blossom” that sponsored that rumor, but he was W’s mouthpiece).  If you are going to pray for the future of Donald Trump, do it honestly, dammit!

   *The Half-Breed: a mythological character fathered by The Lord of Israel (creator of the universe) and mothered by a married Jewish virgin.

Cheers, Old Buz


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