Thursday, July 23, 2020

Do Black Lives Matter?

Do black lives matter?  Today, they do.  Tomorrow, hopefully, that will be a nonsensical question.   “Black Lives Matter”, is an attempt to convince the ignorant “white” that a person with brown skin is a human being and entitled to the same respect by their nation and their fellow citizens.  But in the world I hope for tomorrow, “somewhere over the rainbow” it is a racist statement.  To me, there is no such thing as a “black life.”  Black is an inaccurate description of skin pigmentation, just like red is an inaccurate description of hair color.  Red hair and black skin are not meaningful indicators of who an individual actually is. 
Was I a “white” four year old?  Was I a white 3rd grader?  A white junior high school student?  A white high school student?  White in college?  Was I white in the work world?  In the world, as it should be, the answer is a simple no!  I have always been an individual human being, seeing the world from inside, but how did the world see me?  As I matured the world offered me more and more options and offered the person of color less and less.  Through a growing wisdom of society we will minimize this reality, down to non-existent.  “Black Lives” will become an irrational pairing of words.  No one will any longer experience a “black life.”
But, what of today?  Are we moving toward a just world?  What does the world of Donald Trump and his loyal followers represent?  Can a man who “listens to his gut, not the experts”,  “grabs any pussy he wants to” and “deals with shit hole nations in Africa”, lead us to a just, non-racist world?  I suspect not.  His “white lives matter” and “blue lives matter” responses indicate that The Golden Ass has no understanding of the dialog being presented.
So, do black lives matter?  Today they do.  Tomorrow, hopefully, the answer will be, “What do you mean by a black life?”
Cheers, Old Buz 7/22/2020

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