Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A GOD for the wise

I am presently reading, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.  It is an excellent book, by a brilliant author.  In the book Dawkins quotes Seneca the Younger (Roman Philosopher 4 BC – 58 AD), “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”  Seneca’s quote is very wise.  It is a very apt description of the world today.  Dawkins is an Atheist, so I am sure that he is comfortable with the quote, but as an agnostic, it behooves me to separate G.O.D from religion.  This would allow for the possibility of a wise agnostic.

Each of us has our own unique concept of God.  This is best exemplified by the dyslexic reading of the word god, which is dog.  This is a part of an old, sophomoric joke, but it illustrates the point that I am trying to make very well.  Picture the universal concept, dog.  Some people reading this will picture a Dachshund.  Others may see a German Shepherd, in their mind’s eye.  The point is, our individual, previous related, experience determines the meaning of a word to us.  So, a reading by two individuals of any bible, or written description of God, will result in two somewhat different concepts of God, based on their previous life experiences.

Richard Dawkins refers often to the Darwinian observation of survival of the fittest, or a somewhat random selection, natural evolution, not the result of “Intelligent Design.”  I agree with him, but believe that this development takes place within “The System of the Universe” that is, within the “Grand Omnipotent DNA”, meaning … G.O.D.  G.O.D is the System of the Universe.  The universe is not the result of some random crap shoot.  It has rules.  DNA had not been discovered in Darwin’s day.  He didn’t know that every living cell, in every living organism, has a blueprint within it that tells it where it belongs in the organism and what its function is.  The DNA is unique to each individual organism.  Without this blueprint, every living community of cells would look like pond scum.  There would be no “survival of the fittest.”  No organization of life forms.  This DNA is but a sample of the System of the Universe, G.O.D, others would include: inertia, gravity, energy, life, existence.  This Grand Omnipotent DNA has rigid system rules and they work.  We study them and try to understand them with the ever changing theories of science.  No accidents here.  Remove gravity and it is all over.  Any of the others mentioned would do the same, except for life.  The basic systems are not random.  Does this mean that “Intelligent Design” as envisioned by religion is required?  Hardly.  The design of our universe goes way beyond what we think of as intelligence.  It refutes religion.  Is it possible that God is up there listening to your every word of prayer?  Probably not, but it would be nice, however improbable.  So what is the purpose of this G.O.D?  Well, the system is logical.  Our understanding can evolve with research and knowledge.  One couldn’t kill another human in Its name.  It does not defy logic, reason, history or awareness.  Good G.O.D.  What do you think?

Cheers, Old Buz

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