Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Radicalized Agnostic"

I am a Radicalized Agnostic.  My faith, simply stated, is, “I don’t know if God exists, but if your Faith indicates that He does, I am willing to sacrifice my life and limbs to kill you and yours.”  That is to say, “My philosophy, right or wrong … my philosophy.”  These thoughts are so beautiful that they give me peace and security.  And, bring a tear to my eye.

When Ted Cruz states that he is first a Christian and second an American … I must correct him.  Ted, you are first a human being and second a fool.  Imagine what a world it would be if the Religious and the Patriots were all, “First, Human Beings.”  You see, the morons who group themselves against all others and are willing to righteously murder the others, would quickly find those actions unacceptable if they realized that we are all human beings.

That logic notwithstanding, I am willing to take up arms to defend The Agnostic Philosophy.  Show me a person gullible enough to believe that six thousand years ago God created the universe in six days, then created a woman from a man’s rib and I will show you a person who would benefit from a brain swap with a pigeon.  The pigeon would of course perish, because an animal can’t survive in nature without some form of awareness.  The Religious and the Patriots are less than human and will not be missed.  I am willing to fight for a better world.  We Agnostics have God on our side (if God exists).

The Religious like to congregate.  It has been proven, again and again, that the group mentality is always slightly less than the least intelligent of its members.  This is best proven by the two groups, known as The Democratic Party and The Republican Party.   This was clearly revealed two presidential campaigns ago.  A question was submitted to 19 Republican presidential candidates, from an on-line source.  Question: “Was the Holy Bible written by God?”  Eighteen of the nineteen candidates answered in the affirmative.  Only Ron Paul was honest enough to answer, “There are many good concepts in The Book, but it was probably not authored by God.”  There was not a candidate on that stage gullible enough to believe that God wrote The Bible, but only one was honest enough to say so.  That was it for Paul.  He had offended The Simple Majority (the religious).  “Praise The Lord (if there is one) and pass the ammunition.”

“Perhaps all Bibles are bull shit.” – The Radicalized Agnostic Creed

Cheers, Old Buz, The Radicalized Agnostic 

Radicalized Agnostic – One who doesn’t know if God exists, but is willing to fight to maintain the question.

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