Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Democracy in 2023

   We are proud to say that we live in a democracy, here in America, in the year 2023.  I don’t believe it is a “working” democracy.  It is a two party system, with the two parties at war.  As is common to war, there isn’t much clear and constructive thinking.  The goal is winning not achieving.  Each of the parties fights the other as if they are small children.  The parties control the legislators and large dollars control the parties.  Am I a pessimist or a clear eyed observer of the functioning of our government?  Please take a look at a small sample.

   There are clear thinking, moral representatives who believe that an abortion is an unjust act against an unborn human.  There are thinking, moral representatives who believe that the decision to abort or not to abort an unborn is a decision best made by a pregnant woman and her doctor.  Legislators are not free to use their best judgement and their wisdom on this legislation, in representing the will of their voters, but instead are held to the position of their political party.  It is not a rational party issue.  If a representative were to go against their own better judgement, the only justifiable outside influence would be their voters’ wishes.  And, who on Earth would turn the will of the people over to 9 lifetime appointees, elected by no one, to make the decision?

   We have an annual military budget that is nearly a trillion dollars and is larger than the annual military budgets of the next 10 nations combined.  Our government is about to consider not paying its debts.  Defaulting on the payment for items and services already received.  A government considering not honoring its word.  Moral issues aside, it will up interest rates in America for everyone.  Have you voted for someone who is in favor of not paying our debts?  I will guarantee you that the last people not paid will be munitions manufacturers.  Those folks have the political influence required to get an over 80% bipartisan vote for an annual budget increase of 20 to 30 billion dollars to an already out of line military spending program.

   We have a government that won’t enact laws to effectively regulate the sale of deadly weapons to our citizens, insane members of which are murdering large numbers of students, church goers, minorities and very soon political partisans.  Over 70% of the voters would like to see these implements of death logically regulated.  Where is the legislative action and why so slow in coming?

   We recently saw 15 ballots required for the House of Representatives to elect a majority leader.  Democrats made a unanimous decision to elect their minority leader in the first ballot.  A unanimous vote tends to indicate that individual thinking is not taking place.  The Democrats vote as a well-regulated rubber stamp.  The Republicans vote as a poorly regulated rubber stamp.  Are there not 10 or 20 Democrats who would have preferred Katy Porter or someone else to be their elected majority leader?  There were 10 or 20 Republicans who preferred someone other than Kevin McCarthy as their majority leader and so voted.  Kevin is a man who on one day blamed Donald Trump for the January 6th insurrection and the next day was playing golf with The Donald in Mara Lago.  Kevin had over 90% of the Republican votes on the first ballot.  This should have elected him.  What business is it of the Democrats who is elected as the Republican Majority Leader?  Let each little group of lemmings elect their own leader.  The rules for that election are poorly designed and teach unreasonable party control.  Fix the (God Damn) system!  The present system gave nut cakes unearned, unreasonable power over the House majority party through concessions of the candidate.

   If you remove political parties from Washington, DC, you will remove the above problems and many others.  Throw out the lobbyists while you are at it.  Then the lawmakers will represent their voters, not their party.  It’s called a functioning democracy.

Cheers, Old Buz     1/18/2023

“There is a willful blindness that marches alongside loyalty.” – Old Buz