Saturday, September 19, 2020

Presidential Nightmare - RBG Replacement


Before her death, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the light of the Supreme Court, and had led the Court in seeing each citizen of our country as entitled to equal justice and representation, under law.  This concept was once the foundation of our democracy.  Last night, after hearing that, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, had died, I had a terrible nightmare, caused by her death. 

In the nightmare President Trump had thought through a Supreme Court appointment, and then said, “My fondest desire is to appoint the next Supreme Court justice … during my second term in office.”  In my nightmare, this one sentence led to his reelection in 2020.  What was I thinking?

1.   1.  In her death, Ginsburg inflated the Democrat’s balloon.  Democrats would like RBG replaced by a liberal justice.  A late first term appointment of a Supreme Court Justice by Trump will stir up a hornet’s nest of Democrats to vote and demoralize fair minded Republicans perhaps not to.

2.    2. With Trump’s above statement, he would let some of the air out of that balloon.

3.    3. The Never Trump Republicans and conservative independents would be given an excuse to reevaluate Trump in 2020, giving him a slight chance for a majority win.

4.    4. Lindsay Graham and other hypocritical Republican senators would not be forced to eat their words of 2016, right before the 2020 election and might not lose their coming elections and the Republican senate majority.

5.    5. Conservative voters would be given a piece of ground, however small, to stand on.

The nightmare switched to a dream after Trump was elected.  On his first day of his second term in office, he nominated Merrick  Garland to the vacancy in the Supreme Court.  His next act was to fire Bill Barr and appoint Sally Yates to the office of Attorney General.  Dr. Fauci was placed in charge (without interference) of fighting the Corona Pandemic in America.  Trump put on a mask.  The dream, of course, is impossible and the nightmare described would require our president to be a thinking human being.  No such luck in either case.  Not to worry.

The nightmare scenario would give Trump a much better chance at a second term.  This is his primary goal and he really doesn’t like to lose.  It is McConnell who truly wants the Supreme Court under control of The Republican Party.  It would be OK with Trump too, but thus far his appointments to the Court haven’t marched lock step to his wishes.  Even conservative judges can have a moral rudder.  It is rare, but it is there.

Cheers, Old Buz the Dreamer              9/19/2020