I’m reading
a book titled, The Power of Myth, an
interview of Joseph Campbell by Bill Moyers.
On page 223, of the paperback version, Campbell mentions one of the
oldest presently read novels, The Golden
Ass, a Greek/Roman mythology, written in the late 2nd century,
by the author, Apuleius. In the novel, a
magician converts the hero, because of his lust and greed, into a golden ass.
We in
America now live in the era of The Golden Ass.
An age of mythology. Our hero, The
Golden Ass, is faithfully supported by his legions. “In their hearts, they know he’s white” and
wealthy. Little attention is paid to the
ass’s history or how he became golden.
His meager beginnings of millions were inherited as a slum lord. He moved on to the casino world. The casinos were his temples. His faithful attended, each with a dollar in
hand. The temples produced nothing … but
wealth. When a hundred faithful each
donated a dollar some gullible attendee got back ten dollars, with much fanfare. The lucky winner didn’t have the ten dollars
for very long. They brought it back to
the casino on another day and our Golden Ass walked away with the other ninety
dollars each time the transaction was repeated.
foundation of the belief in the Golden Ass is that if he can build all of this
wealth for himself, that he will build wealth for the Nation and that some of
this wealth will trickle down to the faithful.
This theory is best refuted by The Ass himself, when he affirmed that:
Perhaps some of my personally held corporations have gone bankrupt, but I,
personally, have never gone bankrupt.
Or, I’ll screw everyone, but I’m OK.
The Golden
Ass has said some very asinine things, both in speeches and in his tweets. He shows little sign of having a well-functioning
adult mind. His followers pay no
attention to this, they are faithfully waiting for their pay day.
In the end,
the myth has The Golden Ass transformed into a benevolent being, by the Goddess
Isis (don’t you think the name of the goddess is a little ironic?) I don’t know if all of this bodes well for
The Nation or for The Golden Ass, its President. The
Power of Myth, perhaps to be feared.
Cheers, Old