Saturday, April 4, 2015

"An Easter Blessing"

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”  -John 3:16

This quote is taken from The New International Version of The Holy Bible, but it reads pretty much the same in any Christian bible.  It describes the sacrifice of an innocent for the saving of sinners.  Why would anyone suggest such a twisted moral value?  The people of The Book did their sacrifices with innocent lambs before God ended that practice with His Kid.  This single act ended the shortage of mutton in the Holy Land.

What lesson can we take from this mythology?  That … the concept of “sacrifice of the innocent” is both insane and immoral.  Does this prove that God does not exist or is immoral?  No, it certainly does not.  What does God have to do with a bible?   It does tend to indicate that bibles are mythology and give a mixed message on morality.  Islamist fanatics are presently sacrificing innocents, they call them infidels, in the belief that the act will send them to Heaven, when in fact, if there is such a place, they have their direction confused.

So, how do we resurrect God?  The first step is to free the Concept from the various fantasy books called bibles.  The next step would be a better definition of God that most could accept: “God is the system of the Universe”.
With that concept as your personal foundation, you can move forward without having to apologize for your belief system and its irrational, immoral concepts such as, “The only way for you to go to Heaven, is by believing what I believe”.  That belief sets the mark for self-centered, delusional beliefs.  Many religions have it at their center.
Next, after “God is the system of the Universe”, might be the idea that Humanists suggest, that being the best you can be is making the World as good a place as it can be, both for your fellow humans and the environment you live in.  How is that for an unselfish, reasonable concept?  Go ahead, if you wish and tell fairy tales to your children, but at a young age tell them that they are fairy tales, or they will be passed on to future generations as truth.  A fairy tale held as truth is not good for the brain.  It inhibits reason and logic and may well lead to immoral acts, such as war.

Happy Easter and a Happy Passover.  May this year bring you happiness and thoughtfulness.

Cheers, Old Buz The Curmudgeon

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